Selasa, 31 Januari 2012
Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010
Jumat, 30 April 2010
Senin, 26 April 2010
Senin, 16 November 2009
Top 10 Reasons to Have a Website
Has the thought of owning your own web site ever crossed your mind? Whether you own a bricks-and-mortar business, want to turn a hobby into an income, or anywhere in between, a web site is an easy and inexpensive way to get the word out about your business.
Below are the Top 10 reasons people should consider owning a web site:
1.Conduct Business 24/ 7/ 365. Imagine your website as your cyber-employee, presenting your goods, answering questions, and taking payments 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year! This employee never quits, doesn't complain, and doesn't require a weekly paycheck.
Not only can you conduct business at any time, but your web site provides a unique way to grow your sales revenues. At no additional cost, you can promote a weekly or daily special, post a menu item of the day, or offer a coupon code for that day's purchases only.
Make it easy for your customers to shop with you again and again. If you have a local store or office, be sure to provide a sign-up sheet or other means of gathering your customers' email addresses, so you can contact them through email marketing as well as your web site.
And did you realize that your around-the-clock online business lets you find customers from anywhere in the world? You're no longer restricted to your own neighborhood or time zone. Whether your product or service is delivered electronically or shipped conventionally, your website can explode into new markets while you sleep!
2.Provide Business Information. How many customers call your place of business to ask routine questions? You know, things like location, hours of operation, and credit cards you accept.
A website lets you immediately provide information to prospects and customers any time of the day or night. They can view a map complete with driving directions from their home or office, get phone numbers, check your hours, and see what credit cards you accept. All without tying up employees' valuable time, much of which is wasted answering the same questions over and over.
Your website can also serve as your real-time market resource. With permission, people can download your latest brochure or price list. Policy changes or price increases can be communicated instantly through your website − without the time and expense of physically publishing and mailing them.
But don't think these materials should be limited to written and graphical information. Imagine how impressed visitors would be if you added audio or video to your site to provide information or give an online presentation in a much more interactive way!
3.Be Viewed as an Expert. It's human nature to want to work with knowledgeable people who understand the needs of their market and strive to provide the best solutions. Your website allows you to do this.
Let's face it. Most people go online to search for information. A website allows you to provide written, audio, and even video information online at no cost. Post articles about your company, industry, or product line, and press releases of the latest news.
Don't limit it to your company. Showcase your customers! Include lots of testimonials (audio and video work the best). Share case studies about how your customers benefit from your products and services. And use "before and after" pictures if your niche lends itself to it, as they are always of interest to web visitors.
4.Gather Leads. It's quick and easy to add a squeeze page or opt-in form to your web site. Offer a special report or a bonus for signing up for your newsletter, special report, or ecourse. These people are interested in what you have to offer, so make it easy for them to become part of your email marketing system − and keep them informed and in touch.
5.Increase Profits by Selling Information Digitally. It costs next-to-nothing to produce ebooks, MP3s, and audio recordings, because there are no "hard" costs associated. This means that, aside from selling costs, all of the profits go to you!
6.Reduce Costs. Hand-in-hand with making more money is being able to save more of the money you make! The cost of producing four-color brochures is staggering for the average small business. The cost is minimal if you produce it digitally, using existing equipment, and post it online. Instead of printing costs and paper brochures that take up space, your website allows visitors to download the same brochure at no cost to you.
Employee costs can also be reduced as customer service becomes more efficient. Online FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) can address many of your prospects' questions without calling or emailing your office. And a 24/7 web presence allows customers to place orders online – at their convenience – with no help from sales personnel.
7.Expand Your Business Through Partnerships. Combine the power of your website with your expertise, and you can build a great sales team to help you promote your products and services. The best part is that your sales team won't cost you a dime until it makes you money!
8.Enhance Your Customer Service. Your 24/7 website could be the first place your clients visit when they have customer service needs. Add a page of Frequently Asked Questions and a News section and you'll have fewer calls and emails to your staff. Survey customers and find out what services they'd like to use online and your website can take over even more.
Why not add online forms that can be downloaded and read or completed before a face-to-face contact (perhaps a loan form or insurance form). Let your customers request an appointment or get a bid through your website. They will appreciate your new-found efficiency as much as you do!
9.Test-Market New Products and Services. While you can get feedback for any type of business, it's especially easy to test online products and services. A website allows you to conduct online polls and surveys to find out what's on the minds of your prospects and customers, what they like, where they'd like to see improvement – the topics are endless. It's like having an online focus group without paying those big bucks!
10.Stay Competitive. Every day, more of your competitors are staking their claims on the Internet. Marketing 101 tells you that you don't want to be last to market. Your competitors are building relationships and prospecting your customers every day. All businesses, whether selling to a local market or worldwide, simply cannot afford to be without a web presence.
It's just a click away
Top 10 Ways to Use Ad Tracking
Most companies have advertising and promotion budgets. It's almost impossible to run a business without one!
But what if you could use a crystal ball that would give you almost immediate feedback on the success or failure of your promotional campaigns? Can you image the increased profits you might realize, if you could confidently eliminate those areas that underperformed, while concentrating on those that were overwhelmingly superior?
Imagine if you could know for certain which headline on your web site created more opt-ins? Wouldn't you like to know which email subject line caused more people to click through to your web site?
Ad tracking can do exactly that. But it can do much more! Below are 10 reasons you should be using ad tracking:
1.Learn the true cost of your Internet advertising. Ad tracking eliminates budgetary guesswork because you'll have statistics such as cost-per-click and clicks-to-sale. This information will allow you to drill down and find the real and total cost of your online advertising.
As an example, let's say you are doing pay-per-click advertising and banner advertising. Let's further assume that your cost-per-click is much higher than your cost-per-impression. Before you throw up your hands trying to compare apples and oranges, be aware that a good ad tracking program, like Hypertracker, can allow you to compare disparate mediums with ease.
2.Keep only those ads proven to be the most profitable and eliminate the others. Ad tracking can show you which ads to eliminate immediately (the obvious losers that are costing you real money for NO results!), but it can also show you the most productive channels. After all, wouldn't you rather trade a 1% ROI for a 20% ROI (return on investment)?
3.Verify the best target market or niche for your product. Ad tracking can also be used to track things like subscribers. Trying to decide the best niche for your products? Promote your opt-in list to two potential niches and you'll quickly see if one is a better potential market than the other based on the percentage of new subscribers. Can you imagine the time and money this will save you?
4.Compare the ROI on various free promotion methods to determine which provides the highest return. Many times, a marketing mix is based on time vs. money. And, if you're relatively new to the business world, or have a small marketing budget, rolling up your sleeves and doing some experimentation is a great way to build a subscriber list, prospects and sales! But many free methods are time-wasters that provide little in return for the hours spent.
Ad tracking is a great way to tell if forums, articles, social networking, traffic exchanges, search engine optimization (SEO) or hundreds of other "free" methods work. Pick a few and use an ad tracking system like Hypertracker to compare the clicks all the way to sales attributed to each method. Soon you'll only be spending your time in areas that you know are effective!
5.Determine how much traffic your ads are bringing to you. Sure, you can check raw server logs to learn whether your traffic has increased over time. But ad tracking lasers down to pinpoint exactly where that click originated. And it can further drill down to tell you how many sales resulted from those clicks!
6.Fine-tune your ads. Should I change my headline? Is red more effective than blue? Should I use a header graphic? Audio? Video? Professional marketers know that what works for one product or company may not work the same for another. The only way to find out is to test.
Ad tracking allows you to set up alternate tracking links, so you can split-test headline, colors, audio, video and more. Know for certain which element increases subscribers, referrals, leads and sales!
7.Develop a list of your most profitable products or affiliate programs. If you knew for certain that Product A out-produced Product B by a factor of 30, would that be of interest to you? Of course it would! Ad tracking boils all these statistics down to easy-to-understand information that will allow you to make smarter business decisions. You'll quickly see which products or services are duds, and should be eliminated.
8.Test product price points. Not sure which price point will return the highest revenue to you? Use ad tracking to test them! By assigning different tracking links to each price (suggestion: not to exceed 3), you'll quickly learn which price point is likely to produce the highest income. (Remember, the highest sales don't necessarily translate into the highest income!) Take the guesswork out of product pricing!
9.Track the entire lifespan of a campaign. It is common knowledge that there are four stages to a product's life: introduction, growth, maturity and decline. This same theory holds true in advertising and promotional methods and it correlates to diminishing returns.
You've probably noticed how commercials change and evolve over time. The Coke commercial entitled "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing" was tremendously popular decades ago, and was attributed to a large increase in the sales of this soda. But increased exposure over a long period of time creates an "advertising life cycle" known as "diminishing returns". To protect profits, it is critical that marketing knows when that commercial goes through the first three stages and its effectiveness is about to produce diminishing returns.
Now you can do the same…without the million-dollar budget. By tracking your campaigns and comparing the results over time, you'll see whether they are still producing, or entering the decline phase. By being aware of the signs of diminishing returns, you can immediately redirect your efforts from the declining campaign to one producing solid (and, hopefully, growing!) results.
10.Compare online and offline promotional methods. It should be made crystal clear that online ad tracking is not restricted to online advertising methods. Your tracking codes can be used in newspaper advertising, business cards, magazines, direct mail campaigns, and more.
By providing statistics on both online and offline marketing methods, you can compare the effectiveness of online vs. offline marketing in general, to determine which produces the highest ROI to you. You'll also be able to fine-tune the methods you use to move your offline prospects to your online assets. For instance, do they respond more to a free report offered online or a 30-minute webinar? Will they be more likely to add their name to your email list if you offer a discount coupon or a contest?
As you can see, there are a multitude of reasons to incorporate an ad tracker, like Hypertracker, into your marketing efforts. Although this list is far from complete, I hope it will give you a starting point to develop your own tracking criteria. By tracking this kind of information, you'll soon be making more informed decisions that will positively affect your budget – and your bottom line. It's just a click away
10 Reasons to Produce an ebook
Would you like a way to stand head-and-shoulders over your competitors? One of the best ways to stand out among the sea of competitors is to be seen as an expert in your field.
One of the least expensive and easiest ways to achieve expert status is to write a book. No, I don't mean finding a publisher and writing a book to be physically published! After all, you don't want to wait years for something to hit the book store. If you want to establish yourself - and make money - in the easiest way possible, consider writing an ebook.
While this article talks about ebooks, the same benefits pertain to other types of information products. For example:
* Reports
* Manuals
* Tutorials
* Instructions
* Article Collections
* Courses
* Swipe Files
* Journals
* and much more!
Here are the ten reasons you should consider producing ebooks:
1.Lead generation. Imagine that you are about to list your house for sale and you are searching for a listing agent. One web site offers a report entitled, "How to Sell Your House for Top Dollar in Under a Month". Wow! That would be great information to have.
In exchange, you only need to fill out a short form and include your contact information. After you submit it, you'll receive the report.
This is a targeted lead which was almost free to obtain. The only cost is any promotion cost to bring you to the site.
2.Automatic Distribution 24/7. Your "salesman" sells and delivers your ebook around the clock. And, since it is delivered over the Internet, you can sell worldwide with no worries about the cost or time of delivery.
3.Easy to Update. If your industry or company changes frequently, printed material becomes obsolete quickly. When you provide information through an ebook, it's easy and inexpensive to send updates to your customers. That's a definite advantage for your customers - and your bottom line.
4.Search Within the Document. If you are providing a long document, like technical instructions or a large book, your ebook allows people to search within the document and easily find a particular word or phrase. This adds extra value.
5.Hot Link to Affiliate Accounts or Other Web Sites. Your ebook allows you to create hot links, so your readers are automatically sent to your web pages or affiliate products through your web link. By connecting within the document, you'll have more people visiting - and buying - on those sites.
6.Submit to Ebook Directories and Download Sites. Another way to build your list is to write an ebook and submit to numerous ebook directories. Within the ebook, make an additional offer so readers will visit your web site and sign up for your bonus.
7.Brand Your Ebook and Make it Viral. If you operate an affiliate program, you can use your affiliates to promote it as well. Viral marketing is a great word-of-mouth way to promote a business that can snowball and take on a life of its own. It works especially well if your free ebook uncovers a problem and your web site (or the product linked from your ebook) solves it!
8.Make Money. Once you've created your ebook, it's easy to list it for sale. You can even take it further and sign up at sites like Clickbank, which is a great place to acquire new affiliates to market your products for you.
9.Use as a Bonus. If you created an ebook for sale, you can develop 1-3 additional books on the same or complementary subject, and add them to the sales letter as bonuses. Some people buy a web site for the bonuses over the primary product… so bonuses get attention!
10.First Step in the Sales Funnel. If you've ever taken a sales class, you‘ve probably learned about the sales funnel. Prospects become customers usually by buying a low-cost, valuable product that over-delivers. They are then "stepped" through the funnel with ever-increasing price points.
An ebook is an excellent way to start people on your sales funnel. Plan this out on paper and develop your first 2-3 products at least, before selling your first ebook, so you are prepared.It's just a click away
Top 15 Ways to Build Your Subscriber List
Email marketing can be profitable for any business, no matter what kind of product or service you offer. It is significantly cheaper than other advertising methods and, if done right, helps build loyalty and trust with customers. As a result, you generate more sales and more profits!
The foundation for successful email marketing is a targeted, permission-based email list. Marketers call contact lists their "goldmine" because it can generate much of their sales revenue. If you've built up a list of opt-in subscribers that are qualified and interested in what you have to offer, then you've completed the first step and are on your way. Now it's time to "mine" for gold!
Below you'll find several list-building and retention ideas that will help you get the best results from all your email marketing activities:
1.Provide useful, relevant content. Your visitors will not give you their email addresses just because they can subscribe to your newsletter free of charge. You have to provide unique and valuable information that will be of interest or use to them.
2.Add a subscription form to every page on your website. Make sure it stands out so it is easy to find. If it doesn't look cluttered, you may want to include more than one on some pages. For instance, if your opt-in form always appears in the top-left corner of your site, you may want to add one at the end of your most popular articles.
3.Add subscription forms to your social media pages. Make sure that you don't waste this valuable source of revenue opportunities. Integrate your sign-up forms with Facebook and more!
4.Make it easy for readers to sign up. The more information you request, the fewer people will opt-in. In most cases, a name and an email address should suffice. If it's not necessary, don't include it here. You can always survey them once they're customers! We do recommend that you provide a link to your Privacy Policy however.
5.Publish a Privacy Policy. Let your readers know that they can be confident you will not share their information with others. The easiest way to do this is to set up a Privacy Policy web page and provide the link to it below your opt-in form. (Note: If you don't have one, put the words "privacy policy generator" into a search engine and you should be able to find a suitable form to use.)
6.Provide samples of your newsletters and Ezines. This lets potential subscribers review your materials before they sign up to determine if it's something they'd be interested in.
7.Archive past newsletters and articles. An online library of past newsletters and articles is both appealing and useful to visitors and builds your credibility as an authority. In addition, if your articles are written with good SEO techniques in mind, they can increase traffic to your website through enhanced search engine positioning.
8.Give gifts subscribers can actually use. Offer an opt-in bonus for joining your subscriber list! Write an ebook or provide a PDF business report, or even hire a programmer to create downloadable or web-based software. But don't limit yourself to offering gifts to opt-ins. Give them out when your readers fill out a survey, provide a testimonial, success story, or a great product idea. Let them know when they can expect the next gift offer. Everyone likes to get something for free! And if you pass out "goodies" throughout the year, your subscribers will feel truly appreciated − and that's good for business!
9.Ask your subscribers to pass it on. Word of mouth is a powerful viral technique that works great with email marketing. If your subscribers find your content interesting, amusing or informative, they'll probably share it with their friends. This can be a great source of new customers, so make sure to remind them to "pass it on".
10.Let others reprint your newsletter as long as the content is not modified. If you're happy to share your content with the universe, then why not! Many webmasters and newsletter publishers are actively looking for high-quality content and, if they reprint your newsletter, you'll get new subscribers, and more traffic and links pointing to your site.
11.Include a "Sign Up" button in your newsletter. If you're using plain text instead of HTML, be sure to provide a text link to your subscription page. You may feel that this is not required because the subscriber is already on your list, but remember that readers will forward your newsletters to others, or reprint them online. Make it easy for them to subscribe!
12.Add a squeeze page. A squeeze page has one goal − to acquire opt-ins and build your list. Think of it as a mini-sales letter to go along with your subscription or opt-in gift. It should feature a strong headline and a couple of powerful benefits that should make subscribers salivate to sign up! Once created, use a service such as WordTracker to find hundreds of targeted keywords, and promote your offer using pay-per-click advertising from Google, MSN and Yahoo. Now that should make a splash!
13.Include testimonials on your squeeze page. This is crucial. Put one or two strong testimonials from satisfied customers on your squeeze page. This can be in any format, but you may find that multimedia (audio or video) is more "believable" and inspires more people to action. To further enhance believability, get permission to use actual customer names, locations and/or urls (Don't use "Bob K, FL"). Add a note inviting others to participate. After all, it's free publicity!
14.Blog religiously. Blogging is a great way to communicate with prospects and potential customers, and creates a nice synergy with your email marketing. Be sure to include your newsletter sign-up form on each page of your blog. You can start a free blog at Blogger or WordPress.
15.Post on other blogs. Post thoughtful comments and information on similar blogs with a link to your squeeze or opt-in pages. Also comment on others' blogs through trackbacks. In most cases, your comments will be posted on their blogs with a link back to your site. This is an easy way to generate new traffic and subscribers, and get your brand out there!
The best part is you can try it for free - there's absolutely no risk. So don't let your concerns about cost or learning curves keep you from trying GetResponse. If you can email, you can use this amazing marketing service! And don't you owe it to yourself to realize your full earnings potential? It's just a click away...
The foundation for successful email marketing is a targeted, permission-based email list. Marketers call contact lists their "goldmine" because it can generate much of their sales revenue. If you've built up a list of opt-in subscribers that are qualified and interested in what you have to offer, then you've completed the first step and are on your way. Now it's time to "mine" for gold!
Below you'll find several list-building and retention ideas that will help you get the best results from all your email marketing activities:
1.Provide useful, relevant content. Your visitors will not give you their email addresses just because they can subscribe to your newsletter free of charge. You have to provide unique and valuable information that will be of interest or use to them.
2.Add a subscription form to every page on your website. Make sure it stands out so it is easy to find. If it doesn't look cluttered, you may want to include more than one on some pages. For instance, if your opt-in form always appears in the top-left corner of your site, you may want to add one at the end of your most popular articles.
3.Add subscription forms to your social media pages. Make sure that you don't waste this valuable source of revenue opportunities. Integrate your sign-up forms with Facebook and more!
4.Make it easy for readers to sign up. The more information you request, the fewer people will opt-in. In most cases, a name and an email address should suffice. If it's not necessary, don't include it here. You can always survey them once they're customers! We do recommend that you provide a link to your Privacy Policy however.
5.Publish a Privacy Policy. Let your readers know that they can be confident you will not share their information with others. The easiest way to do this is to set up a Privacy Policy web page and provide the link to it below your opt-in form. (Note: If you don't have one, put the words "privacy policy generator" into a search engine and you should be able to find a suitable form to use.)
6.Provide samples of your newsletters and Ezines. This lets potential subscribers review your materials before they sign up to determine if it's something they'd be interested in.
7.Archive past newsletters and articles. An online library of past newsletters and articles is both appealing and useful to visitors and builds your credibility as an authority. In addition, if your articles are written with good SEO techniques in mind, they can increase traffic to your website through enhanced search engine positioning.
8.Give gifts subscribers can actually use. Offer an opt-in bonus for joining your subscriber list! Write an ebook or provide a PDF business report, or even hire a programmer to create downloadable or web-based software. But don't limit yourself to offering gifts to opt-ins. Give them out when your readers fill out a survey, provide a testimonial, success story, or a great product idea. Let them know when they can expect the next gift offer. Everyone likes to get something for free! And if you pass out "goodies" throughout the year, your subscribers will feel truly appreciated − and that's good for business!
9.Ask your subscribers to pass it on. Word of mouth is a powerful viral technique that works great with email marketing. If your subscribers find your content interesting, amusing or informative, they'll probably share it with their friends. This can be a great source of new customers, so make sure to remind them to "pass it on".
10.Let others reprint your newsletter as long as the content is not modified. If you're happy to share your content with the universe, then why not! Many webmasters and newsletter publishers are actively looking for high-quality content and, if they reprint your newsletter, you'll get new subscribers, and more traffic and links pointing to your site.
11.Include a "Sign Up" button in your newsletter. If you're using plain text instead of HTML, be sure to provide a text link to your subscription page. You may feel that this is not required because the subscriber is already on your list, but remember that readers will forward your newsletters to others, or reprint them online. Make it easy for them to subscribe!
12.Add a squeeze page. A squeeze page has one goal − to acquire opt-ins and build your list. Think of it as a mini-sales letter to go along with your subscription or opt-in gift. It should feature a strong headline and a couple of powerful benefits that should make subscribers salivate to sign up! Once created, use a service such as WordTracker to find hundreds of targeted keywords, and promote your offer using pay-per-click advertising from Google, MSN and Yahoo. Now that should make a splash!
13.Include testimonials on your squeeze page. This is crucial. Put one or two strong testimonials from satisfied customers on your squeeze page. This can be in any format, but you may find that multimedia (audio or video) is more "believable" and inspires more people to action. To further enhance believability, get permission to use actual customer names, locations and/or urls (Don't use "Bob K, FL"). Add a note inviting others to participate. After all, it's free publicity!
14.Blog religiously. Blogging is a great way to communicate with prospects and potential customers, and creates a nice synergy with your email marketing. Be sure to include your newsletter sign-up form on each page of your blog. You can start a free blog at Blogger or WordPress.
15.Post on other blogs. Post thoughtful comments and information on similar blogs with a link to your squeeze or opt-in pages. Also comment on others' blogs through trackbacks. In most cases, your comments will be posted on their blogs with a link back to your site. This is an easy way to generate new traffic and subscribers, and get your brand out there!
The best part is you can try it for free - there's absolutely no risk. So don't let your concerns about cost or learning curves keep you from trying GetResponse. If you can email, you can use this amazing marketing service! And don't you owe it to yourself to realize your full earnings potential? It's just a click away...
Rabu, 11 November 2009
Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009
Bagi Anda yang ingin mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan lewat internet dengan cara mengklik iklan (bonus tergantung pemasang iklan), login downline (Rp25/login), klien iklan (10% dari nilai kontrak iklan), komisi untuk upline (10% dari total pendapatan Anda) dan komisi dari downline (10% dari total pendapatan masing-masing downline), Anda cukup dengan klik disini secara GRATIS. Untuk pendaftaran klik gambar di bawah ini.

Atau seperti yang dibawah ini, klik iklan dapat uang tambahan, dimana setiap member yang mengklik dan melihat iklan akan dibayar. Jadi, hanya dengan melihat iklan di Anda akan DIBAYAR. Sebagai Member, Anda akan mendapatkan:
* Dibayar Rp 25 sampai Rp 500 untuk tiap iklan yang diklik.
* Dibayar 50% untuk tiap iklan yang diklik dari referal Anda.
* Minimal pembayaran Rp 10.000,- (Premium), Rp 20.000,- (Standard)
* Pembayaran melalui BCA, Mandiri dan BNI
* Lebih banyak iklan bagi member Premium
Take Action daftar dengan klik gambar di bawah ini

Atau Anda akan dibayar hanya dengan Klik dan lihat iklan dari sponsor kami.
Dengan menjadi MEMBER, Anda akan dapatkan:
* Dibayar Rp 25,- untuk tiap klik iklan yang ditampilkan selama 30 detik.
* Dibayar Rp 50 - Rp 100,- untuk setiap klik yang dilakukan premium member
* Dibayar Rp 15,-/(Rp 25,- premium) untuk tiap klik iklan dari referal Anda.
* Informasi status Anda dengan mudah bisa dilihat, seperti jumlah klik, Saldo Anda, bahkan jumlah klik serta aktivitas referal Anda.
* Permintaan Pembayaran Rp 25.000 (standar) dan Rp 15.000 (premium) plus harus sudah klik 150 kali!
Take Action daftar dengan klik
Atau seperti yang dibawah ini, klik iklan dapat uang tambahan, dimana setiap member yang mengklik dan melihat iklan akan dibayar. Jadi, hanya dengan melihat iklan di Anda akan DIBAYAR. Sebagai Member, Anda akan mendapatkan:
* Dibayar Rp 25 sampai Rp 500 untuk tiap iklan yang diklik.
* Dibayar 50% untuk tiap iklan yang diklik dari referal Anda.
* Minimal pembayaran Rp 10.000,- (Premium), Rp 20.000,- (Standard)
* Pembayaran melalui BCA, Mandiri dan BNI
* Lebih banyak iklan bagi member Premium
Take Action daftar dengan klik gambar di bawah ini
Atau Anda akan dibayar hanya dengan Klik dan lihat iklan dari sponsor kami.
Dengan menjadi MEMBER, Anda akan dapatkan:
* Dibayar Rp 25,- untuk tiap klik iklan yang ditampilkan selama 30 detik.
* Dibayar Rp 50 - Rp 100,- untuk setiap klik yang dilakukan premium member
* Dibayar Rp 15,-/(Rp 25,- premium) untuk tiap klik iklan dari referal Anda.
* Informasi status Anda dengan mudah bisa dilihat, seperti jumlah klik, Saldo Anda, bahkan jumlah klik serta aktivitas referal Anda.
* Permintaan Pembayaran Rp 25.000 (standar) dan Rp 15.000 (premium) plus harus sudah klik 150 kali!
Take Action daftar dengan klik
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